On The Ground

With a new garden on all sides of the house, today’s topic of “On the Ground” won’t push the boundaries of inspiration for me. I’m just far too proud of this first sighting of a future ear of corn:

Another Baby Photo of the Corn

The wander with the camera was fun—the attempt at watering out front just beforehand, far less so. The driveway pavers were so blistering that I had to abandon the Mexican orange blossoms and comically mince at top speed into the nearest shade. That was by the locked front door, where I pitifully pounded until Mike got out of the shower and heard me. Shoes always.

Busy Bee (+ Pleasing Lawn Blur)

We continue to look forward to Friday, a day with a promised temp in the 20s, when planting last Friday’s Perth bounty may not feel like the pointy end of a suicide pact.

(I don’t really speak Celsius; I just don’t bother looking up Fahrenheit anymore. All I know is that the 30s are all miserable, and the higher 20s are when everyone is posting beach photos and I’m inside asking if Mike wants ceiling fans with the AC.)

And Hello Again, Mr Stick





03 January 2018 |