”Yellow” is the FMS photo prompt today. Instinctive wince: I dislike warm colours. Orange is my real nemesis, with yellow being either the suspicious slippery slope to the hateful orange or, on a more benevolent day, the relief of orange being diluted. Red gets a pass if it leans blue.
Warm colours are boiling days and too-loud shrieks and cartoonish scams.
But then about 10 days ago I started gravitating towards orange flowers for the yard every time we went to Bunnings. The side yard, of course. Nothing too rash. Big gerbera daisies, “butterkins”, a “City of Perth” rose... Orange just keeps happening. These invited aggressors now creep around the baby lilac bougainvillea, the deep chocolate cosmos, heading straight for the blue moon petunias.
And then today at Bunnings we were delighted by a monarch butterfly feasting on the sunny coreopsis. (“Rising sun” coreopsis in a big teal pot on the patio? Tick.) Resolution: Plant more nectar-y things. Live in a world where butterflies dance around my head like a crown.
“Now I have something for the ‘yellow’ prompt.” “It’s more orange, though?” “The flowers?” “Maybe?” “Can’t be helped - everything is orange now!”